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Frédéric Lalance, Marine Lallemand, Pamela R. Davis, Lily Becker, Matthew Lawson, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe

Collection : Le droit fil

Thématique :
- Études et essais

  • Langue : anglais
  • Version numérique* :
    9,99 €
    * Compatibles avec l'ensemble des liseuses et lecteurs du marché.
    > En savoir plus sur les ebooks : consultez notre FAQ

    An overview of the anticorruption lawThe new French anticorruption law on transparency, fight against corruption and the modernisation of the economy (“Sapin II”) promises to bring significant changes in French domestic law and imposes new obligations on large French and foreign businesses.
    Sapin II clearly follows an international trend towards tougher and more transparent anticorruption laws and a large part of Sapin II provisions have obviously been influenced by other anticorruption standards such as notably the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the UK Bribery Act.
    This publication describes these three regulations allowing the reader to understand the major factors and provisions within these laws that are now governing the fight against corruption in the world of globalisation.

    • Date de publication : 29 juin 2017
    • Broché - format : 13,5 x 21,5 cm • 128 pages
    • Langue : anglais
    • ISBN : 979-10-302-0062-1
    • EAN13 : 9791030200621
    • EAN PDF : 9791030202052
    • EAN ePUB : 9791030212051
    • (Imprimé en France)

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